[img src=”https://mcintyrestein.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/03/Will-Testament.png” size=”full” lightbox=”false”][/img]
Wills & Estate Planning
The attorneys of Wilson & McIntyre offers their experience and expertise in handling matters of Elder Law.
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[ul type=”circle” indent=”false” separator=”|”]
Wills|Trusts (revocable, irrevocable, personal residence, and special needs)|Powers of Attorney|Medical Directives|[/ul]
[toggles type=”accordion”]
[toggle title=”Wills”]Content 1[/toggle]
[toggle title=”Trusts”] (revocable, irrevocable, personal residence, and special needs”]Content 2[/toggle]
[toggle title=”Powers of Attorney”]Content 3[/toggle]
[toggle title=”Medical Directives”]Content 4[/toggle]